HELLO EVERYBODY! This announcement was posted on September 14th on our FB page, then we got busy getting ready for Candidate Forums and then Oxfordfest! That was yesterday and NOW it's time to get serious about the protest/rally!
CalCoDems will protest in solidarity with groups around the country on Saturday, October 8th. Share this information with groups in surrounding counties; reach out to your friends and family. Details will follow on this page and the CalCoDem FB page. Meanwhile - make sure you SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, October 8th, 10:30 am til 1:00 pm. Come out and show your support for 'Choice.' Women, men, LGBTQIA - of all ages - we won't go back to 1973.
Will YOU Take a Stand For Women’s Rights? Human Rights?
On Saturday, October 8th, Calhoun County Democrats will march in solidarity with the Women’s March occurring in DC and across the country. There's only two other marches on the schedule in Alabama - Huntsville and Fairhope. Let's put Calhoun and surrounding counties on the map!

Bring signs, your voice and your outrage so that we can make a stand against the egregious actions of the Supreme Court and our own state legislature! Republicans are now taking the first step toward a full NATIONWIDE ban on abortion. We cannot be silent as our rights are dismantled. Abortion is just the first personal privacy right that is in jeopardy. Birth control, same sex marriage, interracial marriage—all are in the Republicans crosshairs. Now is the time to stand up for our rights and our democracy!
We will rally at CalCoDem HQ, on the corner of Noble and 8th Street (Highway 202) at 10:30 am, and return to headquarters for a light lunch, group comments and thoughts for future plans.

The first 50 people arriving, will receive a green bandana - the color was chosen as a "symbol of hope, health, life." We also have 'Women's Rights are Human Rights' bracelets.
Please send your name, email and phone number to calcodem2019@gmail.com and say you are committing to march for Women's Rights. Bring others with you - numbers make a difference.
See you Saturday! (Record the ballgame!) Bring someone with you. Lots of people's lives depend on the course of events that will follow.