The Democratic Party is the party of progress, the sponsor of major initiatives over the years that span America's history. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, National Goals for Education, Civil Rights Reform, Environmental Protection, Missions for Science and Space, Sound Defense Measures and many others, all occurred with Democrats at the forefront. It is in the spirit of accomplishment and the pursuit of meaningful reforms that our local Democrats step forward. The Calhoun County Democrats want progressive government for all of Alabama and especially for our Northeastern Region of the State.
We are pledged to provide the positive, honest leadership that will move us ahead. We want to promote jobs for the modern economy, repeal the sales tax for groceries which burdens our low income families so unfairly. We want to improve the perception of government and help our Calhoun County citizens regain confidence in their state and local officials. We continue to seek greater, more informed public support for quality education, affordable and readily available health care, and protection of the environment in which we all live.
Calhoun County Democrats
The mission of the Calhoun County Democrats is to Improve our community, state, and nation by promoting, legislating, and executing policies that benefit all people. We do this by:
Expanding support for Democratic candidates and legislation consistent with these goals.
Selecting, recruiting, training, and electing Democrats to local, state, and national offices.
Our vision is a strong, diverse, representative and responsive Democratic party in Calhoun County, with members holding key local and state offices, bringing positive change for all residents.
Membership of the Calhoun County Democratic party will reflect the age, ethnic/racial, gender, economic, religious, and cultural diversity in Calhoun County.
Participation in the Calhoun County Democratic party will expand to field and elect well-qualified candidates to municipal, county, and state offices.
Democrats elected to office will fulfill the duties of their offices faithfully. These officials will facilitate changes in policies and practices that improve living and working conditions of all members of the local and state communities.
Several areas will receive special focus:
Bringing strong, effective public education that serves the needs of all our youth and creates new opportunities for adults, especially in the area of workforce development
Expanding Medicaid and supporting healthcare infrastructure so that all residents have affordable access to high-quality care, meeting their needs
Working with labor, business and industry to reduce poverty, assure that workers have wages living wages, and improve the quality of the workforce to attract and retain high-quality companies paying high wages
Reforming local and state taxes to provide adequate revenues to meet public needs while reducing the unequal burden on lowest income groups
Improving infrastructure to make our roads safer for all travel and more attractive to business and industry, and expanding internet access to support education, entertainment, business, and health services throughout rural areas
Preserving and protecting our air, water, land, and forests, for both our enjoyment and our health and safety
Insuring honest, ethical conduct of public business – applauding those who fulfill their public trust and removing those who fail to meet high standards
Reducing the inequities and friction within and between different parts of the Calhoun County community