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Non-partisan Untax Groceries Rally, Tuesday, March 15 at CalCoDem HQ, 812 Noble Street, on the corner of Noble and Hwy 202 from 12:00 pm til 1:00 pm. Bring a sign, or come at 11:30 and make a sign using materials provided. This is an issue we can ALL agree on. If you'd like to stay for lunch afterwards - email not later than Monday evening so we'll have lunch for you :)

On Tuesday March 15, citizens from across the state will be rallying to support removing the state sales tax on groceries without hurting our education budget.

Alabama is one of only three states that fully tax groceries. Removing the tax has had strong bipartisan support for many years. The state grocery tax of 4% equals about two weeks’ worth of groceries each year.

The major obstacle has been finding a way to avoid hurting the Education Trust Fund without raising taxes on most Alabamians.

HB173 and SB43 each provide for removing the state tax on groceries. Capping the federal income tax deduction on Alabama income taxes will replace the lost revenue.

HB173 and SB43 not only answer that question but helps reduce Alabama’s highly regressive tax system. For 95% of Alabamians, this change will reduce taxes. All lower- and middle-income Alabamians would see a tax benefit. The greatest benefit – almost 3% -- will go to the 20% of people with the lowest incomes. Those earning $311K or more annually will see their tax increase 0.35%. Those earning $1.3M or more a year will see their tax increase 0.93%.


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Calhoun County Democrat HQ

812 Noble Street

Anniston, AL 36201


Calhoun County Democrats

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