Now that the necessary legal paperwork has been completed, we are more than pleased and happy to announce that the Calhoun County Democrats are re-locating to a new headquarters/meeting place. Construction of the building, prominently located at the intersection of Hwy 202 and Noble Street in Anniston – 812 Noble Street - was recently completed by the Jim & Shirley Justice Trust and now the county party has entered a multi-year lease of the facility.
Most of the furniture and equipment at the former headquarters has been moved to the new location, where volunteer workers are beginning to settle in. In more normal times, we would be planning a “grand opening”, but given the threat of the pandemic we are doing a soft opening beginning NOW with ‘holiday’ hours. HQ will be open Wednesdays from 10 am til 4 pm except for the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years! A more ‘fixed schedule’ will be posted in January. We will also have a formal opening to come when better times return. --Sheila Gilbert, Chair, Calhoun County Democratic Executive Committee

--Sheila Gilbert, Chair, Calhoun County Democratic Executive Committee