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"State Park Amendment"

Anyone interested in WAVING SIGNS to help
Democrats WIN when Democrats VOTE!

Please join us at the Calhoun County Democratic Headquarters, 812 Noble Street (corner of Noble and Hwy 202) on Tuesday! There are two designated times when traffic will be the highest - please let us know if you can come for one or both of these times:

11:00 - 1:00 4:00 - 6:00

There are a number of signs at HQ that say "Vote Today," but please feel free to bring your own sign! It would be great to have signs that say, "State Park Amendment" so that people who don't know much about the candidates will still show up to vote for that... and vote for the candidates while they're there!

Proposed Amendment to appear on the ballot Statewide:

Statewide Amendment Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the State of Alabama of up to $85,000,000 for the purposes of the improvement, renovation, equipping, acquisition, provision, construction, and maintenance of Alabama state parks under the jurisdiction of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and public historical sites and public historical parks under the jurisdiction of the Alabama Historical Commission. Proposed by Act 2021-326. This description shall be followed by the following language: “Yes ( ) No ( ).”

Call 256-239-6232 with any questions.

Here's a few pics 'sign wavers' for Doug Jones!!


donkey no gas_edited_edited.png


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Calhoun County Democrat HQ

812 Noble Street

Anniston, AL 36201


Calhoun County Democrats

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