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Progressive Women and Mimosas in the Morning Brunch & Bubbly

Saturday morning, November 18 at 10 am, women from Calhoun County and surrounding areas converged at the Kress Ballroom & Event Center on Noble Street for a morning of uplifting fellowship and to hear from speakers Louise Jones, Lilly Ledbetter and Joyce Lanning.

Calhoun County Democratic Committee Chair, Sheila Gilbert wanted to put together a program that reached out to women - not only in Calhoun County - but surrounding areas as well. That idea started out as a gathering at HQ with CalCoDem cooks preparing the food. The more the event was discussed - the larger it became. "Mimosas in the Morning Brunch & Bubbly" was born! While it involved a lot of hard work - the 'return on investment' was much more than worth it!

When the doors to the Kress building opened, women from all over the area, and all walks of life came through them. Just about 150 women - all invested in their community and the State - came together to share their thoughts, enjoy the 'Brunch & Bubbly' and be inspired by speakers Louise Jones, Lilly Ledbetter and Joyce Lanning.

Can we maintain that enthusiam and willingness to work?

The event was a great way to 'jump start' the upcoming election cycle. The test will be to see if we can maintain the enthusiasm that was captured in that room - and unite to work for and support candidates running for office locally and at State and National levels. We have also learned that we can help candidates in other states across the country by writing postcards and making phone calls.

If we have your contact information, you will be notified about upcoming events, meetings, etc. (You are free to 'unsubscribe' at any time.) Your voice and your participation will make the difference in who will be making the laws that govern us. The upcoming election cycle - is likely the most important in our lifetime.

Please enjoy the photos of the 'Mimosa' event, as well as the information about the speakers - all below. If you haven't seen the printed program, download the program below.


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Calhoun County Democrat HQ

812 Noble Street

Anniston, AL 36201


Calhoun County Democrats

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