Calhoun County Democrats will host a meet-and-greet for any interested Democratic statewide candidates -- and candidates for any district that include part of Calhoun County. Candidates and voters will have an opportunity to make a personal connection where questions can be answered in an informal setting. Candidates are invited to bring business cards, and other literature that talks about their platform and ideas - to share with potential voters.
Candidates included are: Governor; Secretary of State; House districts: 32, and 40; State Senate district 12; Calhoun County Commission District 2; and SDEC 29, 32, 35, 36, 40.
The event will take place Saturday, May 7, from 11 am to 1 pm, at the Calhoun County Democratic HQ, 812 Noble Street, on the corner of Noble and Hwy 202.
Calhoun County Democrats will be set up to make a short video of each candidate, which will be showcased on our Facebook page and our website throughout the entire election cycle.