ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Calhoun County Democrats will meet Thursday, February 24th to RECOGNIZE and CELEBRATE the entrants and the winners of the ‘1st Annual Shirley A. Justice Memorial Essay Contest.’
The topic for this competition was 'Is voting a right, a privilege or a responsibility? Why?'
Contest winners will read their essays, receive cash prizes, medallions, pocket constitutions, etc. All participating contestants are invited to read their essay and receive their certificate, etc.
A 'pot luck' dinner will be served afterwards. We ask that you wear a mask when reasonable to do so - and practice COVID safety procedures.

CELEBRATE our YOUTH as they learn, gain experience and move forward and into adulthood - where they will lead us into the future! This is a bipartisan event created to encourage ALL our young people to THINK, DEBATE, and ENGAGE in public policies, procedures, etc.
See ya'll Thursday, February 24th at 6:30 pm at the Jim and Shirley Justice Center, 812 Noble Street, on the corner of Noble and Hwy 202!
There were no entries for the 'Dr. George F. McKerley Oratorical Contest' this time. Watch this space for the next contest - this fall! We intend to 'sweeten the pot.'