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COOKOUT - Friends, Food and Music :)

WHEN - Thursday evening, June 17th, 6:30 pm
WHERE - Calhoun County Democrat HQ, 812 Noble Street, on the corner of Noble and Hwy 202.
WHAT - It's a Celebration!

HELLOOO Everybody! The last time Calhoun County Democrats met 'in person' was in March of 2020 to watch the primary results and enjoy a potluck dinner. It's been a long 15 months for many reasons. We won't rehash that now. Those of us fortunate enough - lived through it. Most are ready to get back to living in the present, knowing there will be some adjustments, and planning for the future.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible! Lots of good food, good company AND great entertainment. Take a tour of the new HQ building, get a plate of food and enjoy the music and singing of Randy Sitz! We'll have tents and some folding chairs outside, HQ will be OPEN and the air conditioning works GREAT :). Masks are WELCOMED but NOT mandatory. Everyone's 'comfort' level is different right now, and that may continue for some time. If you feel like you need more space than you are given, and are uncomfortable - let us know and we'll try to make it better. We want this to be a 'low stress' event. Bring a covered dish if you can - otherwise please COME and bring a FRIEND! We want to SEE you in person!


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