THURSDAY, Jan 20 at 6:30 pm, join us for a ZOOM meeting where Jackson Hodges, the City of Anniston's Public Information Officer (PIO) will provide an update on what's going on in the city. Jackson's youthful but educated and experienced outlook and understanding of how things work and what makes them work better - has brought life and hope into the city in places where that light and hope had dimmed. What goes on in the city impacts what goes on in the county, state, etc.
We will also be joined by Councilwoman Ciara Smith. "At the age of 22, I am deemed the youngest ever elected official in the City of Anniston, Alabama, not just as Councilmember of the 3rd ward, but as Vice Mayor as well. My mission is determined by one goal – impact over everything."
If we have your email address, you will get the link to the meeting automatically. Otherwise, please provide that info here on the website or email
Hope to 'SEE' you Thursday night!