Calhoun County Democrats are hosting a ‘Mimosas in the Morning Brunch and Bubbly' – to gather as many forward-thinking women in the area as we can! We know women voters outnumber male voters and are more progressive in their views. We CAN make a positive difference.
Our special guest speaker will be Louise Jones. Others still to be announced.

Louise Jones continues to speak out on matters that are important to her and stays politically active with Doug - advising his political action committee, The Right Side of History PAC, and non-profit, EveryVoice, focusing on voter engagement in the South. She serves on the State Democratic Executive Committee where she hopes to continue to help build the Democratic Party in Alabama.
Louise and the Calhoun County Democrats join in the discontentment of women nationwide who are once again facing discrimination and threats to our health and safety. We want to help girls and women in our own county and surrounding areas understand just what is at stake in the upcoming November 5, 2024, election.
We hope to offer a better understanding of the radical decisions being made by Republicans. They threaten our basic health and safety – and will only be worsened unless women step up and vote for the party which will protect their rights.

While there will be door prizes, great food, music, mimosas, and camaraderie - the very serious side of voting for the Democratic candidates will be without apology. Women's rights will be on every ballot across the nation and Alabama will be no different. The time is now to get prepared.
Please join us on Saturday, November 18, 2023, from 10:00 am til 12:00 pm at the Kress Ballroom & Event Center, 1106 Noble Street, Anniston. While the RSVP says November 6, we have fallen behind, and that date is officially extended until the 10th. HOWEVER, if after that date you find you are able to attend, please let us know ASAP for catering purposes - and join the group anyway. Your presence is very important to us!
Click on the link below for more details and to RSVP! SHARE with a friend! We'd love to fill the Kress Ballroom with 300+ women!!
See you there! Sheila Gilbert, Chair, Calhoun County Democratic Committee