TOM MIRO is the Executive Director of the Alabama Democratic Party.
A child of veterans, Tom was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. After university and graduate studies in Pennsylvania, and before his career in politics, he was a nonprofit advocacy professional in Montgomery, Alabama. He has served as a staff member on a number of large, statewide Democratic campaigns, including Alabama, Arizona, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and most recently Kentucky.
He looks forward to bringing his nationwide electoral experience, from some of the most tightly contested races of the decade, to help build the infrastructure and institutional capacity of the Alabama Democratic Party. He holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Masters of Science in Education from the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education.
Join us at CalCoDem HQ, 812 Noble Street, Anniston at 6 pm on Thursday November 16th for potluck dinner, followed by Tom Miro! It will be great to hear directly from the Alabama Democratic Party!