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The RAIN 'dampened' our sale 2 weeks ago, so......

Join the CalCoDem 'FUNDRAISER' on Saturday, June 3, at the Jim and Shirley Justice Center, 812 Noble Street, corner of Noble and Hwy 202! The sale is from 8 am until! No early birds - please!

ENORMOUS yard sale! Please help us by bringing items to be sold. Everyone has 'stuff' they no longer use, that no longer fits, that doesn't match their current decor. We have almost cleared a space in our 2 car garage big enough to park a car, lol! It's time to stop saying 'I might use that router again', or 'I really need all 100 of those cookbooks'. Maybe 'I'll keep those pants - I might be a size 8 again, lol! or 'how many lamps can you possibly use??' Have videos or CDs you are tired of watching/listening to? Do you have so many pictures and do-dads you can no longer see the walls? Still got those electric rollers? We need them - somebody out there is looking for them!

We sold a neat 'glass' piece, tiny glass bottles fused together a couple weeks ago - the girl said 'I don't know what it is but I LOVE it.' So - bring us your stuff - somebody out there is gonna 'love it!'

CalCoDems are asked to bring priced items for donation to HQ no later than Wednesday May 31. HQ will be open Wednesday from 10 am til 4 pm - so bring us your 'stuff.' Need other accommodations? Call one of the numbers below. Don't bring true 'junk' - put that in the dumpster. Knock the dust off the 'good' stuff you find in the garage and the attic. Bring it to HQ. Please PRICE your items with a 'sticker' or 'tag.' ALL ITEMS NOT SOLD will be donated to a nonprofit in the area.

The 'profits' will go towards monthly operating costs and supplies that keep the HQ operating as well as support for our community events. CalCoDems operate entirely on donations from individuals like YOU. We get nothing from the State or Federal. Volunteers man HQ, no pay is involved. CAN YOU HELP US? We need folks to help set up tables, tents, organize like items, talk to our 'customers'; bag sold items; take monies; oversee the operation. Will you volunteer for a couple of hours? More :)

Questions? Call Sheila at 256-310-0955; Beverly (me) at 256-225-3096; or Carsie at 256-225-7032.

Here's a sample of some of the donated items. We also have baby clothes, some adult clothes, shoes and purses.


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Calhoun County Democrat HQ

812 Noble Street

Anniston, AL 36201


Calhoun County Democrats

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