About 15 people got away before we coralled the group for a photo!
Clete Wetli is a political consultant who currently serves as Communications Director for the Alabama House Democratic Caucus. He also designs graphics and produces content for the Harvard Business School African American Alumni Association. Clete has served in a variety of political roles over the last fifteen years including Regional Lead for Obama for America, Chair of the Madison County Democrats, Field Director for Peter Joffrion for Congress, and has assisted a multitude of local and statewide Democratic campaigns and candidates. Clete holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Auburn University and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Alabama A&M University.
As promised, Clete talked to us about 'Building on the Plan for Prosperity: Alabama Democratic Priorities for 2024'. The attentive audience made notes on the handouts he provided. After Wetli spoke, he took questions from the audience - and there were quite a few!
2023 Legislative Agenda Plan for Prosperity
As Alabama continues to recover from COVID and recent natural disasters, we have listened intently to our constituents and continue to prioritize the issues that matter to them.
economic growth,
access to affordable health care,
innovation in education,
the freedom to vote,
and justice for all.
Under each of these categories, there are specific and transformative legislative and policy proposals that align to help the people of Alabama achieve prosperity. See the entire Plan for Prosperity at https://alabamahousedems.com/legislation/
Questions were asked and answered about various bills.
A great tool to help us stay up to date on the status of bills is https://alison.legislature.state.al.us/bill-search
Meet the Caucus: House Democrats represent approximately 1.2 million citizens from across the state of Alabama. Together, we work in the Alabama House of Representatives to enact laws and policies that strengthen our state with good jobs, strong schools, and healthy communities. See more at https://alabamahousedems.com/about/
Watch Alabama’s legislative meetings live and archived https://www.thealabamachannel.org/
Follow the Alabama House Democrats at https://www.facebook.com/ALHouseDems
Sign up for the newsletter at https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-the-ahdc-newsletter
A few photos from tonight's meeting :)