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Calhoun County Democrats Women’s March focused on reproductive rights after new Texas abortion law.

Calhoun County Democrats were joined by members of our community, as well as the surrounding area, in a march in Anniston as women across the country battle for reproductive justice. Legislation passed last month in Texas essentially bans abortions after about six weeks. Most women do not know they are pregnant at that time.

Lilly Ledbetter spoke to the group of about 75 people ranging in age from 6 years old to 76 years old. Lilly reminded us that ‘the battle for women’s rights is never really ‘over’ and we must always fight for what is right,’ said Calhoun County Democrat Chair Sheila Gilbert. Hobson City Mayor Alberta McCrory also addressed the group saying we must ‘stay involved and support all causes for women’s rights. We are standing on the shoulders of women who went before us.’

The group chanted as they walked several blocks to the Calhoun County Federal Building where they gathered on the steps and heard comments from women leaders in the community.

"Abortion is health care, basic health care, essential health care, health care that cannot wait," Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, told a crowd in Washington, D.C.

Many women, as well as men, in Calhoun County, Alabama believe the same.


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