Thanksgiving is almost here! Are you ready for some holiday food? In the company of some really good people? The Calhoun County Democrats November meeting will be a Thanksgiving ‘pot luck’ meal.

Join us at HQ, 812 Noble Street (on the corner of Noble and Hwy 202), Thursday, 18 November at 6 pm. CalCoDems will provide the meat and we ask that you bring one of your favorite dishes to share with others. We ALWAYS have plenty - so if it’s not convenient to bring food – don’t worry! Your presence is what matters most and what makes the difference!
Our speaker is Rhonda Gore, Democrat candidate for District 4 US Congress. No, we can’t vote for her – but there’s lots of reasons to support a democratic candidate - to help turn Alabama purple, then blue.

Good morning friends, former co-workers and students in Calhoun County!! I am honored to be your guest speaker at November’s Democratic Club meeting. Calhoun County holds a lot of fond memories for me as I have taught at Saks and attended Jacksonville State. I can’t say enough about the fine people in Calhoun County.
This event takes place Thursday, November 18, beginning at 6:00 in Anniston. I can’t wait to see you all again! I am your hometown girl who cares about your hometown!
About Rhonda Gore: I was born in Omaha to a military family. I grew up on Sand Mountain, where we were poultry farmers. I worked in a sock mill before becoming a teacher. I have one son, Tyler, who lives in West Hollywood, CA, where he is a writer/illustrator.
I have been a faithful democrat my entire life. I'm a member of the Cathedral of St Paul in Birmingham. I am passionate about social justice and equal pay for equal work!