There is no uniform for the homeless. Their plumage is the same as yours."
Making a list and checking it twice! HO! HO! HO! CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE! And so is our 6th Annual 'Christmas Shoebox for the Homeless' project.

We know that GREAT gifts for the homeless population include water resistant back packs. Most of the time - the homeless carry their possessions on them, often in plastic bags. They have no place to 'store' items. Backpacks help. As you make your purchases, keep in mind that Interfaith Ministries provides the homeless population an opportunity for a weekly hot shower - and they always need t-shirts and underwear. Interfaith maintains a clean change of clothes for as many people as possible. IF YOU purchase t-shirts and underwear - please DO NOT wrap them. Bring them to HQ unwrapped :) Sadly, the homeless include children. Their needs are much like the adults - consider including a toy, game, puzzle or doll, etc - that they can easily carry from place to place. Nothing that takes up much space. SHOP - and bring your gifts for the 6th Annual CalCoDem 'Shoebox' Christmas project to HQ, 812 Noble Street, corner of Noble and Hwy 202, from 10:00 am til 4:00 pm on:
Wednesday, November 30th
Wednesday, December 7th
Wednesday, December 14th
If those days don't work for you - let us know and other arrangements will be made.
Text 256-225-3096
Text 256-310-0955
We know: "A person is a person, no matter where they live."
"There is no uniform for the homeless. Their plumage is the same as yours."
See pics below. The first photo was our first year of gathering gifts - 2016. They fit on the dining room table. We have gained members and the community has been generous since then. Here's one of many available links with suggestions if you have questions. There's lots of sites and many of them differ with what is 'needed.' We simply do the best we can :) Beverly Williams Elf, 812 Noble Street Anniston, AL

From Interfaith Ministries:
