I AM SO EXCITED! I just updated the website at calhouncountydemocrats.com to add our July meeting. Go to the website, click on the 'Events' tab and click on 'Interested' beside the July Meeting. Read the details about the meeting, the location, etc., then click on 'Register.' Fill in your first and last name and your email address. You'll get an option for 'going' or 'not going.' Then click 'submit.' Give it a minute - and check your email for your confirmation and option to add it to your calendar, share it on facebook, etc! I AM SO EXCITED! It's my first website and I LIKE IT! Give it a road test, kick the tires. If you find a 'blooper', let me know! Beverly
This website is a one-stop-shopping experience! The 'video' introduction will soon be updated, to include pictures of the new sign. Photos of your officers and volunteers are on the 'welcome' page. Read the newsletters, all the news articles, upcoming events, check out the Facebook page and Twitter posts. 'Get Involved' gives you an opportunity to volunteer. Click on 'Get Informed' and read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, take a Civics test. 'Register to Vote' allows you to check and see if you are registered and if all of your information is correct. You can also register to vote on that page. Lastly, you can sign up to receive newsletters and other news from CalCoDems. Oh, and don't forget - you can safely DONATE on the website. HQ runs on a budget, not unlike most households. Everything from the beautiful brick sign out front to the utilities to the paperclips and toilet paper are paid for from supporter donations. There is no paid staff. Volunteers are just that - volunteers! Join us.
I will be adding events more often as elections across the country heat up and projects are added. The website automatically notifies everyone on the distribution list every time an article is added. If you do NOT want to receive these updates - please email me at calcodem2019@gmail.com. We hope you stay with us - we all have a job to do :)